Sunday, March 1, 2009

Finally a Blogger (or at least I hope so!)

I would like to think that I am really technically on top of things and in the know, but I have really wanted to have a blog for a long time and didn't even know how to start. I have been using Babyjellybeans as our primary website (and paying for it each month!) and it is not exactly blog friendly - I can't link to other people's blogs or have other blogs link to mine, so I thought I would go ahead and be a blogger. I guess I still need to read that "Blogger for Dummies" book, but at least this is a start. I am going to start working on moving some of my things from the other website onto this site and make this the primary site for "Sweet Caroline". It will probably take me a while to get everything set up just the way I want, so be patient and don't worry if things seem out of order or confusing for a while. While I am working on changing over, everything will still be on the babyjellybeans site. So welcome to our blog and glad to see you here.

I knew I could not have any entry without a picture of the sweet caroline, so here she is in all her Valentine's Day cuteness!

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